Trust and intentions

So they say the biggest amount of affection towards someone is trust.   I used to think I was easy to trust because I had the great ability to look at someone for a couple of seconds and tell their full intentions. Honestly I still have that blessed ability. But lately things are harder to tell. I always put myself in someones elses shoes and figured out what they were here for. I know whats wrong.  Ill get my stuff back in time.  But anyone can do this if you can put out your mind your own faults. If you can decipher intention you can learn how much trust you can give someone.  

The Next Man

Have you ever believed that you care for someone? You ever tell yourself you would do anything for that person? Would you really? I think lot of times you have people in situations with others in which they see a person that they claim to care for doing something harmful to them. We don’t say anything. Why?  I thought you cared? We would rather not upset the person you care about than help them. Crazy right? If that person gets upset because you give a damn then “So what”. The worst thing that could happen is you sit there knowing you should have made an attempt and did nothing. Help the one you care about. People can easily say these things to the Next man but can find it so difficult to say these things to the one you care about. Its amazing how people can care so highly of the Next man and so less of the one they care most for. Im not saying to stop caring for people you don’t know. But what I am saying is to learn to care more for the ones you claim you do care for. Get off your butt and make the attempt. If it doesn’t work out then you tried. Don’t make a big deal about it. At The end of the day its up to that person to change their ways. If they don’t then “Oh Well!!”

Hello Ladies time to wake up.

Hello Ladies time to wake up.

Just thinking about the mornings when you wake up. I wonder what makes a Woman wake up and feel se is completely ugly untill she finds make up. I think its the media. Like i’m talking to a friend she tells me she cut her hair really short since last time I seen her. I say send me a pic. she quickly says no because she is just waking up or going to sleep. I say its only a head shot. but she claims she looks to rough or too out there to take a pic. she is afraid she will look bad. Which was not true at all. she looks just fine in the morning. And some of you women who are in a relationship sometimes run off when your man is waking up. You run straight to the bathroom and come back with make up on and everything else that we clearly remember wiping off before you went to bed. lol Look if you man can’t stand the sight of you waking up find one that can. Most guys don’t care. in fact I don’t know a man who does care. Its nice though to have a lady that wants to present herself in the best light to her guy. At the same time, You don’t always need to be so high maintenance when waking up. we understand. Now I say this but it doesn’t mean you can just get carried away and not wash up and stuff in the morning. lol TAKE A BATH LADIES!! lol its okay in the morning if people see your face. I’m pretty sure you don’t look anywhere as bad as you think.

Leave it in the past or pay attention to the past. How do you live your life?

So by the way we are all hypocrites. I have noticed that we say things like. leave it in the past. But then next week can wear a t shirt that says “We will always remember.”.  What happened to “Leave it all in the past.”?  So do we actually need to focus on the past or the future? They say if you don’t think about the past you can concentrate on your future goal and plans. But then they tell you to pay attention and know your history so that history will not repeat itself. Someone reading this may say “well it depends on the situation.”  Well lets think about the situation. The situation comes in many shapes, forms, and ideas.  The situation in having so many different ways of coming to light, makes it impossible to live by one past or future. Situations are to unpredictable to live a life following one path only. You will have to live both. You cant just say leave it in the past and you cant just say always remember. So for you people who claim for your new years resolution that you will be concentrating only on the future and leaving your past behind I’m telling you now; you have already failed your resolution.

Face your Women.

Just got a text from a friend. He says “hey if my girl is looking for me tell her I’m with you.”.This is one of the most stupid things you can do to a friend. Why can some guys not face their lady. Yeah, telling her you need to leave and cool down  a bit isn’t going to make her happy. but so what? You backing off for a bit isnt about making her happy. your doing that for you, And if your cheating dont make me apart of that you need to lie by yourself. No need for the whole ship to go down cause one idiot doesnt want to dodge that iceberg.  Be a man and handle your own. Some guys will say “hey man you need to learn to help your friend out . your not being a good friend”. I’ll surely be your wingman. anytime to help you need it. but I shouldnt need to be dishonest to help your case.. Besides never leave witnesses when you cheat. lol j/k  So be a man never ask another man to be more of  a man than you are to face your woman. Besides that man you sent probably can and has the right to take your women. MAN UP!


I hate that saying. :”I don’t know why you are watching wrestling its so fake!”  I hate that. Because I understand that a great percent of it is all fake.  But its ok. They never said it was real. In the beginning of wrestling they created the fictional stories of the character so that the watcher would have an appeal to it. Of course using that appeal it became necessary to have company secrets to the trade. If you want your audience to be believe you have a real dead man wrestling for your organization, you better do your best to make him damn mysterious. The more mysterious and strange the easier it is to sell tickets. NO one goes to the circus or fair and see that they claim to have a bearded woman and complain that is fake. No, you just go and offer the lady a razor,  shaving cream And wonder what her beard feels like( at least I do unless). lol j/k But seriously  I feel that wrestling is my real life comic book.  Its my male Soap Opera.  You ladies have your young and the restless and General Hospital and we have our WWE and ol’ECW.  Its the same thing with more action. Most of the things we watch are fake anyways why is wrestling the worst?  Maybe its the money? I think Wrestling organizations are a billion dollar industry.  and because it makes so much that is why people claim to hate it. I do feel most of the stuff I see is fake but I applaud those guys for being athletically able to keep up. Not just any guy can do that stuff day in and day out. tiring stuff with all the stamina and strength it takes.  So knowing that alone Im able to watch it knowing how fake things can look and feel.  I get laughed at by my friends for watching. I don’t care. Its peak my interest for the 2hrs its on tv. Their is alot more on tv ppl should be getting mad with. Like I personally feel after they made one housewife show the other bitches  across the country weren’t going to be anymore entertaining.  Or why we allowed so many Flavor of love shows again and again like Flavor Flav was really going to find love. I don’t remember when but didnt a girl crap on the floor during the first episode? LOL That should of told you what you were watching then.  Or why we gave that Nancy Grace a spot to just scream out how much she hates bad people and  wish they would all die and be behind bars (do we need her to us how we feel?).  What im getting at is don’t be mad at wrestling  for being fake ,when you watch even more ridiculous things everyday.

Put em in a Nursing Home or Not?

I have suddenly have one of those situations were you have to make a decision as a family. The decision that is gonna piss somebody off whether we wanted to do it or not. Well you see my grandmother has gotten to the point in which she can not take care of herself anymore. And she lives with another person in the family that is a nurse(DA). She is the best option out the family.  So taking care of my grandmother  has become a huge chore for her.  She is doing a great job. She also has a nurse that sits with her during the day to have someone here the whole time to watch her.  So she is being well taken care of.  but my issues that we as a family see is that DA is getting very old herself. and watching  and taking care of my grandmother seems to be too much for her nowadays. We assist when we can but the family living so spreadout in the country makes it hard to do as much as we can. The strain of lifting and moving my grandmother seems to be one of the biggest issues. but all the other issues  do come into play.  But I wonder would this be better in a nursing facility. My family is deciding. I agree with this. but I wonder if DA does.  If you were DA would you fel like you have given up? Would you feel that it is necessary? I havent heard from her.  I always wonder is the necessary thing to do always worth it. I hear about and read about people whom sacrifice so much on “necessary” situations.  I also question you to think about the necessary? What are you willing to change or do if you feel its necessary?  Those decision from what I experienced and seen usually cost us somewhere down the line. and for some reason it always seems to be a bad consequence.  well not all but most seem.

Trapped on This island

Trapped on This island

You guys ever go outta town somewhere and feel like this? This is how I’m feeling right now. And Im with the worst person in the world to be on that island with My mother. lol. If the naggin and telling me I should do this and that don’t stop then somebody better learn to breathe underwater. (not really love my mom but going through one of those moments). If this island had a xbox and great beer this place would be awesome. What im getting at is please save me either get me off the island or bring me great beer. Bored out my mind.